
Saturday, December 13, 2014

The new bridge in Great Village is open

Great Village has received an early Christmas present with the opening of the new bridge. Even though this new structure has been something of a controversial issue for the village, that the bulk of the construction is done is truly a positive thing as winter approaches. The photos I am sharing were taken by Patti Sharpe, who has so kindly provided many images of the village this fall, at the time of the September flood and for the progress of the new bridge construction. Thanks so much, Patti, for taking such interesting photographs.
For Elizabeth Bishop, crossing the old bridge was where the village began for her. Here we are crossing the new bridge.
Someone took the time to think about the design of this rather out-sized new bridge. These decorative panels turn it from being just a piece of infrastructure to an actual aesthetic element in the village. Since it is at the very centre of the community, the heart of the village, it is nice to see that the person responsible for its "look" cared enough to add what, in my view, amounts to a sculptural detail.
As the EBSNS and others in the village have realized, the pergola is now too close to the road and access to it has been seriously reduced. Discussions about moving it have already begun and will continue through the winter. We'll be making an announcement about its relocation in 2015.
The dismantling of the old bridge has already begun. There is something quite sad, in my view, of this change. Inevitable as it is, this old bridge has been the entry into the village for over 100 years. Removing it will require the bridge being lifted off its moorings and set on the ground, so that the metal can be cut up.
As one comes off the bridge into the village, the view is more or less the same, if seen from a slightly different angle. My hope is that those who travel this road will heed the speed limit of 50km through the village (those of us who have spent time there know that some people don't), as the angle of the turn and the presence of two utility poles right in this trajectory cause concern. Time will tell. One hopes all will be well.
Nova Scotia has had yet another nor'easter that brought copious amounts of rain, causing serious flooding in many parts of the province. The Great Village River flooded, but, fortunately, Colchester County was not one of the worst places. Still, we have had one of the wettest autumns in a long time -- a season for ducks, indeed.

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