Around 265 letters and postcards from Elizabeth Bishop to
her maternal Aunt Grace Bulmer Bowers, from 1952 to 1977 (Grace died that
year), are located in the Elizabeth Bishop Papers at Vassar College
(I, 25–26). Vassar purchased the letters from Bishop’s first cousin Phyllis
Sutherland* (Grace’s daughter) in the late 1980s. I met Phyllis in 1990. I will
confess that my first reaction upon hearing that this treasure trove was
resident in the US
was dismay. Vassar was actively collecting Bishop material in the decade after
her death and figured out that Phyllis was the custodian of this important
cache. I never asked Phyllis how much Vassar paid for the letters. She never
told me. That such an important institution sought her out and wanted to buy
these documents confirmed her sense of the significance of her cousin.
(Phyllis and Grace, 1940s. Acadia University Archives)
As I thought about it, I conceded that it was vital for the
letters Bishop wrote to her maternal family to be part of the vast and growing
epistolary collection that Vassar was amassing, comprised primarily of the
letters Bishop wrote to her famous literary friends.
During the 1990s I ordered photocopies of many of these letters
and spent a considerable amount of time transcribing them. I reached only to
the end of the 1960s before other Bishop projects and activities took me away
from this task, one to which I have always meant to return. I mined the letters
for information about Bishop’s relationship with her maternal family, which
found its way into my book Lifting
Yesterday: Elizabeth Bishop and Nova Scotia, but my great hope was to edit
and annotate these letters and find a way to publish them.
There is a curious and sad puzzle around Bishop’s correspondence
with Grace. Bishop loved and admired her aunt. She regarded her aunt as a very good
letter writer. Indeed, she included a letter by her aunt in a course on letters
she taught at Harvard in the early 1970s. Bishop would have received hundreds
of letters from Grace over the years — almost each of Bishop’s letters to Grace
makes reference to one or more letters that Grace wrote her niece.
“Dear Aunt Grace, Lota & I were on our way to Rio early Monday morning & stopped by the P.O. where
I picked up your lovely long letter writen [sic]
in the middle of the night! So I read it out loud to Lota en route, and
she was so taken with it that she said ‘We must take her a nice present
when we get to Boston!’”
(10 January 1957)
What is troubling is that it appears none of Grace’s letters
to Bishop survive. I have never been able to find out what happened to them.
Bishop would surely not destroy her aunt’s letters. Indeed, in a notebook
Bishop kept in the 1930s, she pasted in a letter that Grace wrote to her sister
Maude (Bulmer Shepherdson, the aunt who raised Bishop). Most of the extant
letters from Bishop to Grace were written during the Brazil years, so most of Grace’s to
Bishop would have been written during that same time. It appears that some of
Bishop’s letters were destroyed after Lota’s death and before Bishop got her
possessions back to the US.
But the fate of Grace’s letters to Bishop will likely never be known.
In 2009, I made an inquiry to Alice Methfessel and Jonathan
Galassi** about the possibility of publishing Bishop’s letters to Grace. I was
told that her correspondence with Lowell
(published as Words In Air, 2008) and
the pending publication of The New Yorker
correspondence (2010) had “great literary interest.” I was also told that while
other literary correspondences would, hopefully, be published in the future (e.g.,
with Moore — we are still waiting on this volume),***
Alice felt that
publishing “more of Bishop’s letters doesn’t make sense” and a book of her
letters to her aunt was “not a good idea.” — and not even if I could find a
Canadian publisher. Why this would be so was not explained, and I did not
pursue it.
It is understandable that in the academy Bishop’s letters to
her literary friends and colleagues are considered the most important, the ones
that carry the greatest interest for scholars and critics who explore the
literary realm. These letters would also be considered the most marketable for
publishers. But Bishop wrote to more people than just other writers. Her
letters to Grace are, in a word, fascinating and multi-faceted. For example, I used
them to write a talk I gave to the History of Medicine Society in Halifax in the late
1990s, a talk about Bishop’s views on all things medical (a realm about which
Bishop and Grace shared a keen interest, for all sorts of reasons).
My intention is to write a series of posts exploring aspects
of and elements in Bishop’s letters to Grace. Since the letters are still under
copyright, I am not able to quote them at length. However, I will dip into
them, in a limited way, and quote snippets that relate to the given aspect or
element I will explore. I will post these essays as I write them, so I cannot
say how frequent they will appear, but I hope to do a couple each month for the next little while. I will list them in the “Nova Scotia
Connections” section, for easier access.
Before I get to Bishop’s own letters, the next post will be
my transcription of the letter Grace wrote to Maude mentioned above. I think
Bishop would insist that Grace’s voice be heard in some way, and this charming
example of Grace’s epistolary art serves that purpose nicely. So, stay tuned.
* Around 25 letters and postcards from Phyllis Sutherland
were also bought by Vassar. Bishop also exchanged letters with her aunts Maude,
Mary and Mabel. As far as I know none of these letters survive, except a
postcard Bishop wrote to Maude in 1928, perhaps the earliest piece of
correspondence of Bishop’s that survives. It is housed at Acadia University
** Alice Methfessel was Bishop’s last partner, her heir and
literary executor (with Frank Bidart). She has since died, making Bidart the
sole executor of Bishop’s estate. Jonathan Galassi is the head of Farrar,
Straus, Giroux, Bishop’s publisher.
*** One Art: Elizabeth
Bishop Letters, edited by Robert Giroux (1994), began the program of publishing
Bishop’s letters. Some of her correspondence with Kit and Ilse Barker and May
Swenson have also been published in various literary journals.