
Saturday, June 3, 2017

“Echoes of Elizabeth Bishop” Gallery: Profile of Artist Laurie Gunn

Of her art, Laurie Gunn writes: “I have been taking photographs since my parents gave me my first camera about 55 years ago. It was in 1998 that I realized photography was important to me and it has since become my passion and it has brought me much happiness. Capturing images has helped me to see the world in a wonderful and captivating way. It fulfills my need to be creative which in turn contributes greatly to my well being.  In photography I not only want to capture the image but also the feelings that go with the image.

“Although my first love is photography, I also love being creative in other areas.  In 2001 my good friend Joy Laking and I decided to become “hookers” and we went to Amherst, Nova Scotia, to learn from one of the best, Deanne Fitzpatrick. It only took one afternoon and I was hooked!! Since then I have lost count of the number of rugs and hooked projects that I have created. Being a rug hooker has helped me in my need to be creative and I love sharing my work with others.”

Laurie Gunn got involved with the EBSNS at the time of the Bishop Centenary celebrations in 2011. She was a principle organizer of the EB100 Arts Festival that happened in Great Village that August. She subsequently became president of the society and co-edited Echoes of Elizabeth Bishop: Elizabeth Bishop Centenary (2011) Writing Competition, published in 2013.

You can see more of Laurie’s photography on her website:

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