
Friday, June 16, 2017

Elizabeth Bishop and the Literary Archive: Planned Activities, Class 5

Elizabeth Bishop and the Literary Archive 
NEH Summer Seminar June 12-30, 2017 
Vassar College Project 

Director: Dr. Bethany Hicok

Friday, June 16: Biography 

Readings: Travisano, “Bishop and Biography” from the Cambridge Companion to Elizabeth Bishop, edited by Cleghorn & Ellis (2014); Fountain and Brazeau, Remembering Elizabeth Bishop, Megan Marshall, A Miracle for Breakfast. You should also be familiar with Lorrie Goldensohn’s The Biography of a Poetry and Brett Millier’s, Life and the Memory of It, the first full-length biography of Bishop. 

Friday afternoon: Dr. Barbara Page will join us at 4:30 in the Rose Parlor (Main) to talk about how the Bishop papers got to Vassar and the process of sorting through them; she will also give us a brief tour of important Bishop sites at the College.

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