
Sunday, June 11, 2017

Elizabeth Bishop Society of Nova Scotia Annual General Meeting on 17 June 2017

Only a few days before the EBSNS holds it AGM starting at 1:00 p.m., in St. James Church in Great Village, N.S. Besides our usual business, this year the society unveils the “Elizabeth Bishop’s Beginnings” exhibit and the “Echoes of Elizabeth Bishop” art gallery. The society has been working on this project all winter and is now ready to share it with all the community and the Bishop fans and other visitors who will spend time in the village this summer.
(On 27 May 2017, the exhibit committee and
friends gathered for anotherinstallation session. 
Here are two images taken that day. It is coming together!)
We will also draw for the raffle prize (an exhibit/gallery fund-raiser), which is a beautiful painting by Ontario artist Alfred Villeneuve.
And if all of this isn’t enough, we are delighted to welcome Nova Scotia writer Alexander MacLeod, who will read from his work.
This feast for the eyes, ears and mind will be followed by a feast for the body — a reception, catered by the Great Village Fire Brigade Auxiliary, will be held across the road in the Great Village Legion. Those who have experienced the food provided by this busy organization will be perfectly happy to step outside and cross the road for their delicious offering. Come join us next Saturday for our special gathering.

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