
Sunday, July 28, 2024

Summer reading with April Bernard

A correspondence recently altered me to an interesting Bishop event happening online in August -- the American poet April Bernard is doing an online reading series around EB's poems. You can learn more about it by clicking here. Yesterday my sister and dear friends of ours visited Evangeline Beach in N.S. It is a site which sees in the late summer huge flocks of migrating sandpipers, plovers and other shore birds, stopping to rest and refuel before their long continuous flight to their wintering grounds in South America. Though a bit early, there were in fact some early migrants and we were spellbound watching large flocks of sandpipers fly over the vast expanses of exposed mud, shimmering in the sunshine. Below are two photos of some of these magnificent birds -- and of course, one can't help but think of "Sandpiper" (not one of the poems April Bernard is discussing, but perhaps it will come up in her August sessions.

(photos by Brenda Barry)

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