While spending the weekend with the author of our next "First Encounter" and his lovely family, I had the good fortune to picnic in Great Village with them on the banks of the river just below the filling station and the pergola with its panels devoted to Elizabeth Bishop and the history of Great Village. After our lunch Mark and I scoured the antique shops -- there are three in close proximity, one (Great Village Antiques) right next door to Bishop House, one right next door to it (Clair's Classics), and one just across the street (Pete's Place Antiques, otherwise known as the Onslow Trading Company) -- and acquired the components that have gone into our first Cornell Box. We've decided to call it "...And Looked and Looked Our Infant Sight Away."
Here are three pictures:

Here are three pictures:

It remembers me "Gwendolyn"... maybe because the child face...